Product Details
ISBN-13:      9781736779316
Publisher:   TKOIC Publishing
Publication date:  11/02/2023
Pages:         388
Product dimensions: 6x9x0.799
Price:          $22.99

Genre: Magical Realism

Mr. Albert, who happens to be dead, although his body for some reason has not gotten the memo, enjoys nothing more than getting plastered in seedy bars on the Jersey shore. In a moment of weakness, he saves Santo Murphy, who was planning to hurl himself into the frigid Atlantic Ocean.

After discovering Mr. Albert’s secret, Santo believes his rescuer must have a higher purpose than intoxication and he vows to help him find his way. When Mr. Albert dreams of a beautiful woman playing guitar under a large tree covered with Spanish Moss, they go on a quest to discover who this unknown woman is. The boys soon realize that some mysteries should remain buried.